Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is an increasingly worrying threat to availability of Internet resources.DDoS Attacks have recently emerged as one of the most newsworthy, if not the greatest weaknesses of the Internet. The variety and number of both attacks and defense approaches are overwhelming.
This paper attempts to explain how they work, why they are hard to combat today what will need to happen if they are to be broughtundercontrol..This paper introduces DDoS in the current scenario and often represents adetailed description of exactly how this attack works and why is it hard to cope with today. It discusses various defense principles and challenges encountered. In the later sections the modus operandi of the attacks and its classification is explained .Finally research issues in DDoS are highlighted and in the long term picture , an integrated approach to the DDoS problem is proposed that will bring this class old problem under control , if not eliminate it entirely.
Thus a better understanding of the problem, current solution space and future scope are provided.

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