AbstractThis paper objectives in Nano Technology are the design, modeling, and fabrication ofmolecular machines, molecular devices and soft ware issues to design that kind of devices and machines. While the ultimate objective must clearly be economical fabrication, present capabilities preclude the manufacture of any but the most basic molecular structures. The design and modeling of molecular machines is, however, quite feasible with present technology. More to the point, such modeling is a cheap and easy way to explore the truly wide range of molecular machines that are possible, allowing the rapid evaluation and elimination of obvious dead ends and the retention and more intensive analysis of more promising designs. It is clear that the right computational support will substantially reduce the development time. With appropriate molecular computer aided design software, molecular modeling software and related tools, we can plan the development of molecular manufacturing systems on a computer. The current NanoDesign software architecture is a set of C++ classes with a tcl front end for interactive molecular gear design. We envision a future architecture centered around an object oriented database of molecular machine components and systems with distributed access via CORBA from a user interface based on a WWW universal client to eventually enable a widely disbursed group to develop complex simulated molecular machines.

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